So what's special about January? Well, on a personal note, January is my birth month so you can't blame me to be excited whenever the month of January hits the calendar. But, well, my 2010 birthday is actually special compared to my last year's. Details later. :D
The last week of January was total happiness. here's the reasons.
- January 26
to cassies, the first thing that might come to their minds when they see this date is Jaejoong's birthday. But for my family and friends, the first thing that will come on their mind is me. January 26 happens to be my birthday as well. what a lovely coincidence. :)
When I first knew of TVXQ, the person who caught much of my attention was of the visual shocker Jaejoong. Jaejoong has this another-guy-prettier-than-a-girl aura like Hyde of L'arc~en~ciel. I really find them similar often times. Since i love Hyde, it can also be concluded that I love Jae. xD
Aside from jae and i having the same birthday, i found out that we also have same likes. First is his love for cross accessories. I've long been a cross-accessory freak. I know that other Dong Bang members also wear such accessories. But he also use this kind of accessories:

Since it is Jae's birthday, we celebrated it through twitter. We made #happybdayjaejoong a trending topic on that day. This was the fun part. People behind the trending project set a uniform time for the trending. 6 pm KST. But when January 26 12 am KST hit the clock, people cant wait to wish him a happy birthday, and without any plans of doing so, as early at that time, #happybdayjaejoong became a trending topic. :D It was also my birthday that day but after school instead of heading straight home, i stopped somewhere to be able to join the trending. It felt weird. Everyone was wishing him a happy birthday and it was also my birthday so it felt that people were also greeting me. *haha. really weird. XD* I believe that i'm not the only cassie who has the same birthday as jae, so to all of us, belated happy birthday, and we're really blessed right? :D
Caps of the TT. *since i'm using mobile when i joined the trending i wasnt able to get a cap. but if you were with us, i know you need no proof. :) this pics are taken minutes before january 26 ends. this is really funny. XD*

And i'll have a special mention here to this girl @nihalmyc for giving me this gift. :D
Even before, i have always been looking for someone 'great' who has the same bithday as me. I thought, it would have feel good if you know that some great person is celebrating his/her birthday same day like you. And now the search is over. :)
*note: jan 26 is his registered birthday by the parents who adopted him. his real birthday is somewhere in february. :)*
- January 27
January 27, to all cassies is a day to celebrate since the new single 'Break Out!' of Tohoshinki was released this day. to commemorate this, we again, made a TT on twitter: #tvxqbreakout. This was actually tiring. Trending two topics in two consecutive days. but all for the boys. :)
I'm not sure with the numbers, but approximately 170k copies of the single were sold on the first day. Those that was preordered was not yet included. I can really see the success of the 500k copies project. And i can't wait until i get my own copy. :)
L'arc~en~ciel, who has been in a long hiatus also released a new single this day. If only i had the money, i would have ordered their single as well. I love L'arc~en~ciel. They are my first love band. But oh well, i think they already got the limelight of their career. They already celebrated their 15th anniversary, so compared to them, Tohoshinki is just at the beginning of their career. So despite the fact that THSK beat L'arc on the charts, i'm happy with it. :)
- January 29
there are two things that made me happy this day. First is that this was Hyde's birthday. We planned to make a TT. But we just can't equal the force of Kpop enthusiasts. When it comes to TT, they rule out twitter- i mean WE. xD but we tried. It was fun knowing that there are many others who still continue to love L'arc and Hyde and Vamps. specially indonesians. I saw many L'arc/ Hyde indonesian fans. :)
Hey Hyde, you've turned one year older again. But don't worry. You still look as astonishing as ever. And vampires don't grow old... right Kei? :D Belated Happy birthday. ^^
The second thing to celebrate was that our local record bars released the much anticipated Mirotic ver. C cd. My class ends at around 4pm. I left school around 5:30 and went directly to a record bar and bought the cd. Those boys are really getting so much percentage of my savings. but i'm not really complaining. :D
i totally forgot about xiahzart. sorry! i know it was also on this week when xiah junsu showed his theatrical talent as mozart. I'm not sure whether it was jan.26 or jan.27 though. we also planned on making #xiahzart a TT - not sure whether we made it. I wasn't able to participate with it fully. I was already exhausted of trending topics that time. :D
So there. Now that january is coming to an end, the things that happened will now become part of history. and a memory that i will always treasure. So this blog post is also my way of keeping these memories safe and saved. So when i grow a year older again, i'll look at this and bring back again the feeling of how happy i was these days. :)
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