there are lots of blog sites serving people with the current news about this band. good or bad news, anyone is entitled to their own opinion about the news. you can freely comment on it. in the perspective of those who have not liked them that much, mentioning disbandment is easy. i do not refrain those with these kind of thought but can't they just be a little considerate? here we are, trying so hard to think positively, trying so hard to believe on a better outcome, and there they are bashing
"why don't they just disband?!"
That is really mean. Forget DBSK. If for instance, the 'disbandment' pertains to your group of friends, who've been with you for years, friends who have supported you every now and then, would you be happy if everyone is talking about your 'disbandment'? Please be considerate people. I know this is too much to ask, but if you can't say anything good to them, why don't you just leave the comment box blank?
I'm starting to have grudge just by seeing the word. Why did that word even existed? What's frustrating about that word is that it pertains to something permanent- that when it happens, you cannot bring them back together anymore. That is why i hate it so much. It's much nicer to believe that they're just in hiatus - a very long hiatus. because no matter how long, we know that they will definitely come back.
this band meant to continue to move on. That is why even in the hardest times they are still trying to hold on. this band meant so much to Cassiopeia, Bigeast and all their international fans and they still mean so much to us. So whatever others say, we will always keep the faith.
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