what's the title about?! a new harry potter spell? haha. xD
this is soo late. the subject's birthday was two days ago. I wasn't able to participate in his trending party. I really dont have the luxury of time now (i actually have to finish this post in 30 mins.). Time, why do you tick so fast? O_O
February 18 is... my baptismal day. xD But really that's my baptismal day. Which happens to be someone's birthday as well. and that some one?
tadaa! shim changmin! (the pics on the lower left corner are too cute! and much love to his uneven eyebrows! *or whatever people call that* :D)
when i got under this TVXQ spell, I admit that i WAS a jaejoong-bias. Which means i only watch their MV's PV's, guesting and all just because of Jae. But as time went by, i realized that I LIKE THEM ALL- jaejoong, micky, xiah, yunho and changmin.
Dec. 15 is xiah's bday. and i know i was able to join the TT party for that though i was late. Jan.26 is jae's bday and i was also able to celebrate with others that day. But February is a busy month for me- and i think the most critical too. well, i wont elaborate on things. Since February is a feBUSY month, i wasnt able to do so much for the february celebrants. Feb.6, yunho's day, i wasn't feeling well. But still i tried to do something about it. But Feb. 18...
I was at school, busy rehearsing for our play (in lieu with our final exam on a certain subject) and when i got home i was busy doing our thesis with my research mates. Do you know how much i want to click-new-tab and visit twitter that day just so to tweet a happy birthday greeting to changmin?! but i just cant...
so this is what i did. Get ready for photo spam. :)

then next thing i did made me seem more weird than the usual to my classmates. My classmates (majority) are not kpop/jpop inclined. Thus when they get bored they dont borrow my mp3 player because they know that's what they would listen to. but in defense, i am not weird people. I'm just different than the ordinary. xD
so back to the photo spam. I told you that day i was busy rehearsing for a play. So during breaks, when it's not my scene, i asked my classmates to write a happy birthday greeting to shim changmin. and they don't know who he is. xD But my friends knew it. They know that this have got something to do with TVXQ. they know i'm caught under those boys' spell. my other friend even told that "she's too crazy over just a band" -- sorry dear. You just cant understand me. and don't worry, i don't understand myself either. i just know that i love them- seriously. :D
so here goes the photo spam. xD

next photos spams are taken at home. When we were doing our thesis. I arrived home that day around 6pm and we started working right away. The trending for changmin's birthday starts 8 pm KST- that's 7 pm in my local time. so here.... :)

you think i'm crazy? i think i am too. xD
and it didn't stop there. I thought "that was just all happy birthday happy birthday with no message at all. so. this is what i did. :D
then i had to continue working with my research mates. it would be weird if i stayed in my room longer. so there. the work continued... until i noticed that the time was already...
see? it's really "my crazy love" to all the members of TVXQ. I can't imagine doing this again to any other. just to all of you. ^^
my mom's nagging me. i really have to go. happy belated birthday changmin! ^^